Adult Reentry and Parenting Student Programs

Our Mission

The Adult Reentry and Parenting Students program is dedicated to the success of nontraditional students. We provide reentry and parenting support services, leadership opportunities and programs to enhance academic and personal development.

Our Vision

Our vision is to continuously evolve to meet the unique needs of non-traditional students by providing resources and recognition as they obtain their education.  We hope to create an inclusive environment that reaches beyond the classroom allowing our students to establish strong ties to the campus and surrounding communities.


Profile of an Adult Reentry Student

The profile of the adult reentry student is constantly evolving and the number of reentry students at our university is rapidly growing. Typical characteristics of an adult reentry student can be one or all of the following; they are a parent, twenty five years of age or older, a veteran, have delayed enrollment or taken a break from higher education, and employed full or part time. Returning to school after a break from college is an important decision for the adult learner. Many feel overwhelmed and unsure of how they will balance the multiple responsibilities.  Adult learners may experience feelings of isolation and concern about academic skills and performance. The WoMen’s and Adult Reentry Center is aware of the unique needs of reentry students and offers support and services to foster and enhance students’ growth and success.

Scholarship 1

Here's my text

Application for Scholarship 1